
Important Advice from Building Contracts

Important Advice on the building process

The decision to build a new home is an exciting but enormous prospect. Everybody envisions their dream home and knows exactly what they want, and within a particular budget. When you begin the building process, it is not uncommon to experience delays, defective or incomplete items or some kind of misunderstanding with your Builder.

The building process can very easily become stressful for everyone involved, whether they are the home owner, the builder, an owner builder or a property developer. It is within the interest of all parties to have a smooth and stress fee build which means the work is done on time, correctly and within the anticipated budget. Disputes are most likely to arise when the parties involved are in disagreement about any one of the aforementioned factors.

Fortunately, all of these factors can coincide cohesively if you follow the tips provided below. Usually, everything will come down to the terms of the contract which is the backbone of the entire project and the nucleus of what will become your dream home, as the project and scope of services are defined, ensuring all parties are on the same page.

Building Assistance Australia’s construction lawyers will help you check the terms and specifications in the contract so that everyone involved has the same expectations and knowledge of the project, minimising the chance of a potential dispute.

Because Building Assistance Australia has selected dedicated and focused building contract lawyers with decades of combined experience within the building industry. They have seen just about every possible scenario, and every possible variation on contract terms. They hold the ability to translate your legalistic and convoluted Domestic Building Contract into plain English, and advise you on exactly what you should expect at each stage. They can review your contract and pinpoint anything which is not in your best interest, then advise you of proposed changes. If you encounter any issues, they can communicate with the other parties on your behalf and ensure that a fair solution is reached as quickly as possible.

To discuss your upcoming building project, building contract or existing matter with one of our building contract lawyers use the “Get a free quote” button above or complete the form below and our verified solicitor will contact you as soon as possible.