
Like grocery shopping when you’re hungry, shopping for lights & electrical fittings can be an expensive exercise if you don’t have a clear idea of what you want – and in which room you want it.

The reason for this is simple: builders showrooms are designed to place their products on a pedestal in order to make them very desirable. What’s more, every builder want to make money, so you can expect them to add a margin on every item they sell.

However, by shopping smarter, you can reduce your costs and get the fixtures you want. First of all, creating a “shopping list” (See the Electrical Checklist(url) ) of what you want and where in your property you want it during the design phase, you’ll avoid making impulsive (and expensive) purchases.

Adding things like electrical outlets, external lights, alarms, fans, recessed lights and so on can be extremely difficult once your home is built, so it really does pay to decide early on before the design phase.

To find out how, see Tips & Tricks. Or if you’d like to obtain an independent free quote for electrical work, complete the below form.